Thursday, August 18, 2011

Common Sense Weight Loss

You know you need to lose a few pounds. You might even need to lose more than a few pounds. More and more studies are coming out that show links to serious medical conditions and being overweight. A few include diabetes, high blood pressure and heart related illnesses and fatalities.

Many already know that being overweight can lead to medical issues yet more and more people are gaining weight and turning a blind eye to this serious problem. So what can be done?

Below are a few common sense weight loss tips to lose the weight. These are probably things you might know but this is a Dr. Phil sort of wake up call to all those who need to lose weight and aren't doing it.

First, recognize that you need to lose weight. Yes, you probably already know that you need to but you have to really put it in your mind that you NEED too! Don't just think about yourself. Think about your spouse, your family and yourself. Once you've realized that there is more than just yourself on the line here you might be more apt to get serious about losing weight.

Second, don't go for a gimmicky sort of diet program. Most of these don't work or may work for a short time and then you will gain the weight back and then some in many cases. There is really only one way to lose weight and keep it off. Exercise and eat right. It's plain and simple. Nothing has really gotten anyone anywhere without doing these to things. Admit it, realize it and then proceed.

Third, start out with a low intensity work out. Start out small here. Do something that you like. Walk, jog, bounce on a trampoline, go to the gym. Just start doing something physical several times a week, at least three times a week and you'll be off to a good start. From there you can build up on what you've been doing the weeks before.

Fourth, don't make excuses. We all have the same amount of time in a day and some people can get the things done that they need to do, while others make excuses about how hard situations are for them. Just don't do it. Stick with the Nike theme and just do it.

Fifth, cut out the excess sweets and white sugars. You're going to need to read the ingredients in many of the foods you eat. Many foods that you have high amounts of sugars in one form or another. Be aware of them.

Finally, we are social creatures so find others who are in the same situation as you and talk. If you don't have someone else that wants to lose weight with you then look online. There are many avenues to join forums and meet others who will help cheer you along the way to a healthier and shapelier you.

To find support and free material on how to lose weight and keep it off go to

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