Thursday, August 18, 2011

Weight Loss - 5 Ways You Can Use Timing for Succes

You already know that doing the right things will help you lose weight. What you may not know is that doing the right things at the right time is also crucial. The human body works rhythmically. If you understand the rhythms, you can use them to your advantage to help speed along weight loss. Here are some handy tips to use timing to your advantage while you lose weight.

1. Get Your Workout Early in the Morning

A morning workout has numerous benefits. Firstly, it fires up your metabolism for the rest of the day, so you burn a lot more fat. When you weight train early in the day, less of the sugars you eat get converted into blood glucose. This is important because blood glucose increases insulin production, which results in more stored fat. Weight training does this because your morning workout leaves your muscles deprived of energy, and when you eat processed grains or sweets, those sugars get absorbed directly into your muscles instead of being converted into glucose.

2. Don't Sleep For Two Hours After you Had Your Final Meal

Nighttime is when your body winds down, and that means your metabolism slows down as well. If you eat a lot of food right before you go to sleep, it is all going to get processed very slowly, and probably get converted into fat. If you give yourself a two-hour period between going to sleep and eating, you give your body enough time to efficiently process the food.

3. Make Sure to Eat and Drink Water Soon After You Wake Up

This also has to do with metabolism enhancement. If you want to make sure your metabolism is humming throughout the day, you have to start with a good breakfast. You are also a bit dehydrated from that long period of not getting any water (you expel a great deal of water from breathing while you sleep). If you are dehydrated, you organs don't function as well, and that means you burn fat slower. So make sure to start the day with a cool drink of water, and of course, continue drinking throughout the day.

4. Get a Small Amount of Cardio In Soon After Each Meal

Ideally, you should be eating five or six small meals a day. This is one of the best ways to supercharge your metabolism. It also helps if you get a small amount of cardio after every meal. You don't have to hop on the treadmill after every bite or anything. Just go for a short five-minute walk around a building after lunch, or do a little something to get your heart pumping after dinner.

5. Eat Carbs Right After Your Workout and Protein About an Hour Afterwards

After some serious weight training, you muscles are begging for some serious energy to start reconstructing themselves and get bigger. Give them that energy by eating some healthy carbs. But your muscles also require the building blocks of muscle development in order to get bigger. So about an hour after your workout, eat some lean protein. This will help make your workouts much more efficient.

Chris McCombs is a successful Aliso Viejo personal trainer in California with specialty in fat loss and muscle toning. He owns a company called Positively Fit Personal Training. His website contain valuable tips on fitness and "how to" style exercise videos.

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